Paul Setti, self-taught painter, born in 1974 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He begins his foray into painting at age 27 in July 2002 without any prior training. Most of his works are made with oil, since it is the medium of their knowledge, the better we can give life to his works through the unique characteristics of these pigments such as topography and can obtain an infinite range colors, plus the unique nobility of material. So far has made more than a hundred works, many of them held by collectors partciculares. In 2004 organized a workshop drawing with the artist Mabel Prampora in search of items and provide resources to enable greater expression in their works. In July 2005, made his first exposure to the local level. In 2006 he was selected to exhibit at the Fourth Biennial of Young Art of Mar del Plata .- In 2008 he participated in the multidisciplinary festival Palermo Fest 2008 .-